Thursday, May 31, 2012

Betrayal at the House on the Hill

Sounds like a bad horror flick, right? Wrong. It's a rather intriguing board game. I think it first wandered it's way into my life when one of my best friends' significant other gave it to him as a birthday gift. Said friend then brought it back home and a group of us played it just about constantly all of winter break. So I started going around raving about this game, and some family friends got it for me, for Valentine's Day (long story). The basic idea is that the players enter this haunted house and begin exploring, discovering new rooms each turn. At some point, a traitor reveals him or her self and the "haunt" begins. Haunts rance from zombies to werewolves to flesh-eating blobs. In theory, this game should not be nearly as fun as it is, but it is. Either the heros or the traitor win and we get into vicious replays of every tactical maneuver made by each side. Anyway it's great fun, only no one else is around now that it's summer to play with me. We are playing at church this Sunday. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

iPod Hallucinations

I have a habit of getting music stuck in my head. In fact, when, for a school project we weren't allowed to listen to music (or interact with any other media) for 24 hours I discovered it only prompted me to sing all the time to make up for it. Even more annoyingly, I can get a song stuck in my head having only ever heard it once. Case in point: I only ever got into Girlyman because a year after I heard them in concert I could still sing the chorus of "Reva Thereafter" perfectly. Anyway I have a sonly like that stuck in my head right now again (actually another tune I heard at a Girlyman performance) and I felt like I should share my pain with the interwebs. Brief research has led me to the knowledge that it's actually a cover of "Born at the Right Time" by Paul Simon. I think I prefer Girlyman's version, but that's probably because it's the one I heard first.

Never been lonely. Never been lied to. Never had to scuffle in fear. Nothing denied to. 

As to the title of this post, that was the headline of my first published article ever. It was about how iPods have allegedly increased "earworms" even in people who have gone deaf. Published in The TJ Chronicle in September 2007. Memories. I keep a scrapbook of all of those early articles, It's crazy to sometimes go back and read them, and then realize it wasn't really that long ago.

Something Summery This Way Comes

I usually try to refrain from simply recapping my life and write about things I find particularly interesting on worth sharing on here, but I'm just going to take a minute to report on why I've been MIA for a while. FINALS ARE OVER and with them the first year of the amazing and terrible whirlwind that is college. I love it, I have it, I mean mostly I love it, but either way it's back to Fredneck for what promises to be an amazing summer with lots of camping and friends. I've been in Lifeguard Certification all week, hopefully with a job to come...soon. I've been on a bit of a break from thinking for the past two weeks but hopefully I'll resolve that soon and get down to an enormous reading list that I've been piling up throughout the year when I was too busy for pleasure reading. These first weeks back have been kind of surreal, so it's only just starting to set in that I miss my college friends. The land of love recycles into the same old bad but enjoyable habits, ehh, it's summer, what do you expect. Anyways, I have high hopes for lots of adventures and a good tan this summer.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I have a friend who I have been growing apart from for a while, but several recent incidents have forced me to accept that he either is or is becoming one of the most immature, self-centered, misogynistic, disrespectful individuals I know. He knows I am not thrilled with him and asked to talk, but I decided I could express myself better in a letter. I have it written, but have not given it to him yet (mostly because I never see him anymore). In the letter I said that his actions were upsetting because I knew he wasn't actually that bad of a guy, and I suppose when I write it a few weeks ago I might have believed that, but now I'm coming to know that his is really just one of the most detestable people I know. Mostly in that he has no respect for anyone but he also enjoys making people as upset as possible. If he knows something will bother someone, you better bet he does it, and a lot. Now the worst part of this is that he will be in really close proximity to us next year. Adventures.